
                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                   2011 International Gathering for
      Celebrating the Marriage of Lindsey Kuper and Alex Rudnick
                            (WEDDING 2011)

         Not sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN or the Association for
           Computational Linguistics in any way whatsoever

                            August 27, 2011
                       Computer History Museum
                    Mountain View, California, USA


The 2011 International Gathering for Celebrating the Marriage of
Lindsey Kuper and Alex Rudnick (WEDDING 2011) is a forum for bringing
family and friends together to share new ideas and results for the
discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations in the
design, definition, analysis, transformation, implementation,
verification, and celebration of Lindsey and Alex's marriage.

WEDDING 2011 solicits high-quality submissions of original research
papers, experience reports, posters, photographs, short stories,
literary works, poetry, extended abstracts, comics, paintings,
drawings, essays, reflections, monographs, articles, plays, epistles,
games, puzzles, or anything whatsoever that can be somehow shoehorned
into PDF form, on these and related topics.  Send us stuff!

The URL for submissions to WEDDING 2011 is:


There will be formal proceedings published by the co-organizers.  We
look forward to receiving your submissions to WEDDING 2011 and hope
you will be able to join us in Mountain View in August.

 -- Lindsey Kuper and Alex Rudnick, WEDDING 2011 Co-Organizers
